Stocksbridge Junior School

Nov 1, 2023

Stocksbridge Junior School were one of 30 schools to receive an Eat Smart Sheffield Grant in the 2022/23 academic year. 

Nearly 100 schools across the city have applied for a grant since the scheme started in November 2022 and as they all need to do, Stocksbridge Juniors completed the application form outlining how much funding they would like, what they intend to spend it on, and what the long-lasting benefits would be for their pupils, families and/or wider community.

Their idea was two-fold – they wanted to set up a school allotment to grow fruit and vegetables, and then start a Cooking Club using their own grown produce as ingredients.

Having been successful in their bid, they started this project off in their HUB – and the children loved getting stuck in straight away! Pupils in class sets worked to build the allotment and then plant and harvest the fruit and vegetables. They started the planting seedling stage and once these were more stable, they moved them to the larger planting area outside that they had prepared. They have planted a whole range of things including peas, tomatoes, carrots, radishes and potatoes.

Involving the whole school, the growing activities were linked to wider learning including seasonality, food sources and healthy eating.

In terms of the cooking side of things, Stocksbridge Juniors have set up an after-school cooking club where children learn to follow recipes and cook using food grown in their allotment.  Examples so far include carrot cake made using their own grown carrots and potato curry, potato salad and potato frittata made using own grown potatoes, onions and herbs.

They have also given children the opportunity to cook with and for their parents in their Parent Sessions.  As part of this, families learn about healthy eating, healthy foods and healthy lifestyles as well as understanding the importance of affordable food and food sustainability.  And children learn practical cooking skills as well as the importance of health and safety in the kitchen and food hygiene.

These activities are ongoing, benefiting pupils and parents alike, and we are so proud of the whole Stocksbridge Juniors team who have made such an effort with their growing and cooking activities!



    By Lisa Aldwin, Programme Manager, Eat Smart Sheffield