We have 6 Eat Smart Sheffield Toolkits, each one focussing on a different school food-related theme to help engage parents/carers and the wider community in food-related / healthy eating initiatives.
For further information about any of these, please contact us.

School Meals
To increase the uptake of school meals (including universal & means-tested Free School Meals)

Healthy Drinks
To ensure all drinks consumed in school are healthy

Food Education
To ensure all pupils have the opportunity to cook and grow food, learn where food comes from, what makes a healthy diet, and how what we eat can affect our physical and mental health

Wrap-Around Care
To ensure before and after school provision provides a healthy food (and food education) offer

Healthy Packed Lunches
To improve the contents of packed lunches brought into school from home.

Beyond the School Gates
To help engage parents/carers and the wider community in food-related / healthy eating initiatives.