National Vegetarian Week
National Vegetarian Week Did you know its National Vegetarian Week? Becoming vegetarian can seem quite scary; whether you’re doing it for health benefits, because you’re conscious about the environment, or whether you just don’t believe in eating meat, it can be quite...
Hillsborough Primary School
Hillsborough Primary School – How They Spent Their Eat Smart Sheffield Small Grant Last week I went to visit one of the lucky schools that was chosen for our Eat Smart Sheffield Small Grant to see how they had spent the money. Hillsborough Primary School applied...
Shop Healthier
A Healthier Supermarket Shop From the second you enter a supermarket, to the moment you pay, you are faced with choices – and these choices are influenced by your environment more than you may realise. People generally know what a healthy diet is – we all know that...
Healthy Eating – Quick Wins
Healthy Eating – Quick Wins Healthy Eating – Quick Wins Making healthy food choices isn’t easy, is it? Yes, we all know we should be eating our 5 a day and that too many doughnuts are bad for us, but what we eat is influenced by so many things including...