Training & Events

As part of our programme, engaged schools will be offered a range of training courses to help support food-related activities in schools. These include sessions on cooking, growing, farming and sensory education, as well as topics such as improving the dining experience, working with cooks & caterers, and implementing a whole-school approach to food and nutrition.

We also hold Parent Workshops and webinars on key themes including Healthy Packed Lunches, Cooking on a Budget, and Healthy Drinks.

Child tasting fresh fruit
Packed lunches
Child eating fresh fruit

Upcoming Training

Teaching Cooking Confidently
One Day Training
February 2024

Book a place

Girl planting in Bradfield Scholl Garden

Tending the plants in Bradfield School Garden.

Past Training & Events

Teaching Cooking Confidently
November 2023
Food for Life Inspires!
May 2023
Farm Links / Farmers Market
March 2023
TastEd Sensory Education
February 2023
Teaching Cooking Confidently
November 2022
Online Training Units: School Farmers Market, Farm Links, Get Sharing Food with Your Community, Growing for Schools, Smart Eating (for Kitchen Teams), Healthy School Food Environments
Various throughout 2021/22
Online Training Units: Outdoor Learning, Healthy Snacks & Packed Lunches, School Nutrition Action Groups
Various throughout 2020/21
Plot to Pot Growing
March 2020
Teaching Cooking Confidently
February 2020
Training Session TastEd Feb '23
Training Session TastEd Feb '23
Child eating fresh fruit

TastEd Training February 2023